TiO2 is well-known to exhibit photocatalytic properties for application in antibacterial [1] and self-cleaning surfaces [2] degradation of organic pollution [3] or water splitting [4] The TiO2 coatings have been produced by different methods such as chemical vapour deposition (CVD) [5] dip-coating [6] and ultrasonic spray pyrolysis [7] All of these approaches in most cases require annealing; Thus, the substrates are limited to brittle inorganics. Organic substrates are more desired because they are flexible and thus can be applied to a wider range of applications.
TiO2 chloride process / BLR-895 Brand Name : LOMON BILLION Recommended applications: Interior architectural coatings Exterior architectural coatings Industrial coatings
TiO2 chloride process / BLR-896 Brand Name : LOMON BILLION Recommended applications: Industrial coatings, water and solvent based Protective & marine coatings Automotive OEM and refinish coatings Exterior powder/architectural coatings
TiO2 sulfate process / BLR-698 Brand Name : LOMON BILLION Recommended applications: Exterior architectural coatings Industrial coatings Interior architectural coatings
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